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Step Forward Relocates Neighborhood Opportunity Center

This week, Step Forward opened its newly relocated East Neighborhood Opportunity Center (NOC) location at 763 East 200th Street in Euclid. The site, which replaces the Glenville NOC, moved to a more central location to better serve communities on the east side of Cleveland.

"With opening this new site, we are really able to stretch our service area,’’ said LaTasha Thomas, the new location’s coordinator.

The East NOC’s grand opening was attended by local community leaders including Euclid Mayor, Kirsten Holzheimer Gail, Dana Heil, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Callie Cripps, Euclid's Economic Development Manager.

During the event, the mayor emphasized the importance of the services the new NOC location will bring into the community.

“What I'm really excited about is Step Forward bringing those important services to our residents...” said Mayor Holzheimer Gail. “Everything we do, we do by partnering... so we are so grateful to have you here in the city of Euclid and we’re so grateful to have you now as a partner so our residents and our families can thrive.”

Step Forward leadership was also in attendance with president and CEO, Dr. Jacklyn Chisholm, expressing how working together as a community will help sites like the East NOC better serve families and individuals.

“This is a place where our customers are comfortable, a place where our staff is comfortable. You can do your best work when you are in a place you enjoy, so thank you [City of Euclid] for making this easy for us,” said Dr. Chisholm.

While it may be assumed poverty only affects inner-city communities, East NOC Site Coordinator LaTasha Thomas explained that poverty is complex and affects families across Cuyahoga County, even in the suburbs. "Poverty does not have a specific space or location... Step Forward is here for the community to provide support, eliminate barriers and help families in the community step forward,” said Thomas.

Residents can expect the same high-quality services at the new East NOC location. With licensed social workers and case managers on staff, residents can get connected to Step Forward services like emergency assistance, individual counseling, home energy assistance, job training, early childhood education and more.

The new East Neighborhood Opportunity is located at 763 East 200th Street and is open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To find your nearest Step Forward NOC and information on services here.

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1801 Superior Avenue Suite 400 Cleveland, OH 44114 |  (216) 696-9077 

Step Forward, Corp. is a public Not-For-Profit 501 (c) (3) corporation.  

This website is supported by Grant Number 60 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Step Forward and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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