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A woman attends Step Forward's Professional Development

Independientemente de su edad, Step Forward ayuda a las personas a descubrir y comenzar las carreras de sus sueños, carreras que ofrecen mayor estabilidad y seguridad a sus familias. Ofrecemos evaluaciones personales para determinar intereses, evaluar habilidades, establecer metas y establecer un plan para lograrlas.

Todos los servicios son gratuitos para los residentes elegibles del condado de Cuyahoga.

Los servicios se ofrecen en 1801 Superior Ave, Suite 400 en el Central Neighborhood Opportunity Center o en 14209 Euclid Ave., dentro del Forbes Early Learning Center. El horario de atención de ambas ubicaciones es de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a. M. A 5:00 p. M., Excepto festivos.

Nos complace compartir nuestro impacto y los resultados de nuestros programas de desarrollo profesional durante el año pasado.

Llame al Centro de Oportunidades del Vecindario Central al 216-651-5188 para obtener más información y / o programar una cita para la admisión.

Spring Community

Baby Shower

Safe Sleep for Babies

Graduation Party

Summer Cooling

Mobile Resource Fair

Professional Development Class



Professional Development Class



Professional Development Class



Anchor 2
  • What does Step Forward do?
    Step Forward has served residents of Greater Cleveland for 55 years. The Community Action Agency formed in 1964 in response to Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. In the past half a century, we have helped thousands of Greater Cleveland residents. We understand how hard it can be to make ends meet and how difficult it is to ask for help or know where to start. Step Forward counselors, coaches and teachers work with each individual or family to sort through the chaos and connect them with help to restore hope in the future. We do this by addressing four key areas: Step Forward is one of the State’s leading providers of Head Start, the preschool program that offers a holistic approach to learning for children and their families. Assisting people with job placement and earning a living wage or higher; Step Forward career planning and job training opportunities enable people to learn or improve skills, earn certification or improve readiness to pursue and win better job opportunities. Encouraging and teaching personal development; Our Neighborhood Opportunity Centers help low-income individuals and families access resources and support to address immediate needs and build long-term skills and opportunities to transform their lives. Step Forward helps ensure Cuyahoga County residents are warm in the winter and cool in the summer through energy assistance programs that help low-income individuals and families with their home energy bills during crisis and non-emergency situations.
  • Step Forward used to be called The Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland. Why did you change the name?
    For decades, we quietly, steadfastly opened our doors to help low-income individuals and families in Cuyahoga County take steps toward brighter futures. Throughout our 55-year history, we continuously evolved to meet people’s changing needs as the barriers and challenges of poverty changed. Our new name, Step Forward, reflects the next step forward for the organization to continue to be a vital resource to Cuyahoga County and the low-income residents who call it home. By stepping forward, we can help transform more lives and further strengthen our communities. We are stepping forward, but we are not walking away from the legacy of our organization. In fact, throughout our history we have shown that we must continuously takes steps to help us better serve low-income individuals and families in our community. To learn more about the name change from our President and CEO, Dr. Jacklyn Chisholm, please click here.
  • What are the eligibility requirements for your programs and services?
    All customers must be Cuyahoga County residents. The majority of Step Forward’s programs also have income requirements in order to qualify. Requirements differ based on the specific program. To find out if you qualify for our Early Head Start and/or Head Start programs, please call (216) 589-9922. To find out if you qualify for one of our personal or professional development courses, please call the Neighborhood Opportunity Center nearest you.
  • When do you take applications for your programs?
    Our programs take applications throughout the year. Head Start and Early Head Start are always enrolling children and families at their locations throughout Cuyahoga County. If a particular center is full, you can apply and be placed on a waiting list. The center will contact you as soon as a spot is available. The Personal Development/Family Development and Professional Development programs accept applications throughout the year at all of our locations. Step Forward's Home Energy Assistance Program has a select number of programs available year-round. The HEAP Winter Crisis Program operates from November 1st – March 31st. No new applications are accepted after March 31. For applications in process on or before March 31, all documentation for the Winter Crisis Program must be submitted to Step Forward's HEAP office by April 9, 2024. Documentation submitted after April 7th, 2024 is at risk of not being processed. The HEAP Summer Cooling program operates from July 1st – August 31st.
  • Where are you located?
    Step Forward has seven Head Start centers, four Neighborhood Opportunity Centers, and one Home Energy Assistance Program located throughout Cuyahoga County. Please click here to find the location that is most convenient for you.
  • What is a Neighborhood Opportunity Center?
    Step Forward operates four Neighborhood Opportunity Centers located in Cuyahoga County. The centers allow Step Forward to meet people in need where they live and work. NOCs are accessible and convenient locations designed to reduce or eliminate the need for transportation into Downtown Cleveland. Staff who work at Step Forward's NOCs assist clients by connecting them to early childhood education, the Home Energy Assistance Program, emergency assistance such as food, clothing, and rent and internet payments, personal development including counseling, anger management and Baby and Mommy Support, and professional development like workshops, job training and employment connection.
  • What does the Head Start application process entail?
    When a family calls or files an online application to enroll a child, one of Step Forward's recruitment staff will answer the call or follow up on the application. The recruitment staff will complete the application process with the family member and depending on their location preference, will make a referral. At that time, one of Step Forward's Family Service Workers from the particular center will follow up with the family to finalize the enrollment process and gather required documentation to determine eligibility.
  • What documents are required for registration?
    Enrollment at Step Forward's Head Start is a collaborative process and our Family Service Workers are here to assist every step of the way. To complete the enrollment process, we require certain documents to ensure that we can provide the best care for your child. These include: -Proof of Birth: Birth Certificate, shot records, birth letter, etc. -Proof of Income: Two most recent pays stubs, 1040 tax form from previous year, W2, or written statement from employer, etc. -Proof of Residency -Medical Card -Shot Records -Physical Exam within 30 days of enrollment Our team is ready to help ensure that you experience a smooth and supportive enrollment experience.
  • Are you still enrolling children in Head Start for this school year? How can families sign up?
    Head Start preschool begins each fall in accordance with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District's academic calendar. However, Early Head Start and Head Start are always accepting new students. If a particular center is full, you can apply and be placed on a waiting list. The center will contact you as soon as a spot is available. Call (216) 589-9922 or click here to start the enrollment process today.
  • How much does the program cost?
    Early Head Start and Head Start are available at no cost to income-eligible families. Eligible participants include children whose families are living at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Other eligible participants include children who are in the foster care system and those who are experiencing homelessness. Our program also accepts a limited number of children who do not meet the aforementioned criteria. Families can call (216) 589-9922 for more information.
  • Does Step Forward provide transportation for Head Start children?
    Step Forward does not provide transportation to and from the agency's Head Start centers. We have made it our mission to provide seven convenient and accessible locations across Cuyahoga County. Each location can be found here.
  • What if my child has a disability?
    Step Forward and Step Forward's Head Start ensure that all children, including those with disabilities, have access to early childhood education. Through our Early Head Start and Head Start programs, we support each child’s development and provide a structured learning environment. Staff is trained to meet various needs, helping children build essential skills. Early childhood education for children with disabilities is important for their growth. It promotes social interaction, tailored learning experiences, and skill-building. Programs like Head Start offer the resources and support needed to help children succeed. If a child has a physical or mental disability, they are automatically eligible for Step Forward's Early Head Start or Head Start program. The family will be required to provide medical documentation for the child's diagnosis.
  • What if my child does not speak English as their primary language?
    Step Forward provides support for children whose primary language is not English. When a child does not speak English, our programs have bilingual staff members who can communicate with the child and their family. We also make arrangements to help families access our services in their native language, ensuring that language barriers do not prevent participation in our programs.
  • What kind of support does Step Forward provide for the health and well-being of enrolled children?
    At Step Forward, we prioritize the health and well-being of all enrolled children. For Early Head Start children, we provide formula and diapers to ensure their basic needs are met. For Head Start children, we offer breakfast, lunch, and a snack as part of our nutrition program. Step Forward's Health and Dental Coordinators collaborate with each center to schedule essential health services, including dental checkups, medical checkups, hearing screenings, and more, ensuring that every child receives the comprehensive care they need to thrive.
  • Can I apply online or over the phone?
    To apply for energy assistance services, a customer must go to to apply online or mail an application to Energy Services Programs, State of Ohio, P.O. Box 1240, Columbus, Ohio 44114. Those interested in emergency energy assistance because of a disconnection notice or a need to have service restored will need an appointment in order to receive service. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. You can make an appointment via phone at (216) 480-HEAP or you can schedule online at Most appointment slots secure very quickly. Due to the volume of requests for assistance, we encourage everyone who can't secure an appointment right away to keep trying. Customers with scheduled appointments should complete an online application at immediately upon securing an appointment. To reduce the length of an appointment or a determination of eligibility, the application should include all required documents. Scheduled customers need to have all necessary paperwork in-hand to receive assistance at the time of appointment. If additional documentation is required, the intake worker will provide the customer with instructions of next steps In compliance with our funding and in support of information security, the agency does not accept, respond, or process energy assistance applications emailed to us at any agency email address. Customers are reminded to not email personal financial information as the information may cross unsecured networks. Learn more here.
  • What information is needed when applying for energy assistance?
    Please read the PDF here for a complete list of required documents.
  • What should I do if I urgently need an appointment, but none are available?
    Step Forward uses an automated scheduling system to offer appointments on a first-come, first-served basis, following State of Ohio program guidelines. During seasonal crisis periods, new appointments become available on weekdays at 8:00 a.m. Additionally, appointments may become available throughout the day if cancellations occur.
  • Can I submit my HEAP documents by email?
    Step Forward’s Energy Assistance Services now uses a documents-upon-request system for crisis appointment clients. Any previous HEAP document email addresses are no longer active.
  • Can I email Step Forward’s Energy Assistance Services team to make a service request or ask a general question?
    We operate by appointment for service requests and are currently unable to accept general questions via email due to staffing limitations. For general inquiries, please call (216) 480-HEAP (4327).
  • Last year I was able to call your call center staffed by United Way. Can I still call 2-1-1?
    From October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024, we partnered with United Way of Greater Cleveland and CHN Housing Partners to offer a unified call center. However, the funding for that initiative has ended and United Way of Greater Cleveland is no longer able to schedule Step Forward appointments or escalate calls to Energy Assistance Services staff. Separately, the United Way 2-1-1 Help Center continues to offer free, confidential, 24-hour access to professionals who can review your options, create a plan, and advocate on your behalf if you encounter service barriers. To access this support, dial 2-1-1
  • What are my other options for scheduling a HEAP appointment?
    Step Forward ensures that all HEAP appointments are available through our automated scheduling system to maintain equitable access. You can schedule an appointment online or by phone—no internet access is required. We do not reserve appointments or offer alternative scheduling methods.
  • What should I do if I don’t have internet access and need to schedule a crisis appointment?
    Internet access is not required. If you do not have internet, you can schedule an appointment by phone at (216) 480-HEAP (4327).
  • How can I find my PIPP reverification date?
    Your PIPP reverification date is printed on your monthly utility billing statement. If you cannot locate a billing statement, contact your utility provider for your reverification date.
  • How can I get someone to process my PIPP reverification immediately to ensure I remain on the program?
    PIPP applications and reverifications in Ohio are not processed on request. The processing time can take up to 12 weeks, and applications are handled in the order they are received by the State of Ohio. If you need to expedite the process, it's recommended to apply online at Creating an online Ohio Energy Programs account will also enable you to track the status of your application until it is completed.
  • Where can I find the locations of Step Forward's HEAP drop-off boxes?
    Step Forward does not provide drop-off services, and there are no Energy Assistance Services drop boxes available at any location.
  • How can I check the status of my mailed HEAP/PIPP/PIPP reverification application to Step Forward?
    According to the application instructions, paper applications must be mailed to: Energy Assistance Programs P.O. Box 1240 Columbus, Ohio 43216 Ohio residents can track their application status by applying for HEAP/PIPP/PIPP reverification online at The status of an online application will be updated throughout the processing until completion.
  • Who I contact for information about the HEAP application process?
    For questions about the application process, contact the Ohio Department of Development (800) 282-0880. Additionally, you can request information by visiting their website at When filling out the form, please select 'resident' for the service needed and 'Energy Assistance Programs (HEAP/PIPP)' for the sub-topic.
  • I'm having trouble logging in to Ohio’s Energy Programs Portal at How can I get help?
    We apologize for the login difficulties you're experiencing. For technical support with, please click 'Contact Us' on the website. You can also reach the Ohio Department of Development's business response line at (800) 848-1300. In some cases, you may be referred to Step Forward for assistance, along with specific instructions to resolve the issue.
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1801 Superior Avenue Suite 400 Cleveland, OH 44114 |  (216) 696-9077 

Step Forward, Corp. is a public Not-For-Profit 501 (c) (3) corporation.  


This website is supported by Grant Number 60 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Step Forward and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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